
NWAV51 talk

Just back from NWAV51 in Queens, where I presented some work examining the use of classic New York City English features by native New Yorkers who’ve been living in Toronto. The larger point of the talk was that the way we assess second dialect acquisition - taking the (rate of) use of “D2” forms as a straightforward indication of acquisition - is flawed, and that it’s important to consider the positive reasons why mobile speakers might continue to use D1 forms even after they’ve acquired D2 variants.

LabPhon Satellite session

In June I participated in the LabPhon Satellite Session “Challenges for Change: A Crowd-Sources Brainstorming Session” organized by Valerie Freeman and Paul De Decker. My talk (based on work with Yoojin Kang) was about sources of participant variability in remote or web-based research and ways to overcome them. Thanks to Valerie, Paul, and all the presenters and participants for a great discussion!